Thursday, April 29, 2010

May I Have This Dance?

I just finished reading (well technically re-reading) a book that has challenged me in many ways. I love the closing scene the author chooses. It's a description of a couple at an eloquent ball. The host chooses an unexpected woman to be his partner for the opening dance. He makes eye contact and holds it with her the whole way out to the dance floor. Just as the music is about to start the woman hesitates. He senses her hesitation and overrides her fear with confidence by taking her hand and telling her to follow him--he will lead. All she has to do is gather up the courage to trust his lead.

It can be a scary move sometimes. I know I fight the battle of wanting to lead but when I let go and follow things flow like they're supposed too. How often do I try to take the lead from Jesus... or for that matter can't work up the courage to even begin dancing. I let fear, inadequacy or the thought of being a disappointment take over. This paragraph hit home when I read it:

"Jesus is extending His hand to you. He is inviting you to dance with Him. He asks, 'May I have the dance... everyday of your life?' His gaze is fixed on you. He is captivated by your beauty. He is smiling. He cares nothing of the opinion of others. He is standing. He will Lead. He waits for your response." --Eldredge

May you always feel His gaze, soak it in and dance like He's the only one watching!

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